Philmont 2000 Committee Meeting #7 - November 18, 1999

Attachments and Handouts:


NOVEMBER 18, 1999 - 730PM

1. HANDOUT - Review of October 21st Meeting Minutes - All agendas and meeting minutes can be reviewed at "" (first choice) or ""

2. HANDOUT - Updated Adult Committee Roster and Committee Positions -Please review the lists and provide any corrections or updates to Larry Goldsmith or Walt Tanner. Tom Bogart has been deleted.

3. Shirts, Hat, Patch - Last call for any additional designs ????? Review of submissions to date.

4. HANDOUT - Updated Crew Roster with Advisors assigned to each crew. Right now we’ll go with 9 crews. If any Scouts drop out, please let me know as soon as possible so refunds can be made and so that I can offer a crew allotment to another Council. Use the crew roster to expand your record of important information. (emergency contacts, health insurance information, rank, birthdate, etc.)

5. Camperships - Please let me know if there are any Scouts that can be identified who may be in need of camperships. The paperwork has been received from Northeast Region for 4 camperships @ $375 each.

6. Scout payment process - Imperative that everyone stay current with payments as deposits are due for Philmont and airfare. As soon as you have money, get it to Council Office (Donna) and let Larry Goldman know. Identify which Scout has paid monies for Larry and for Council. Adult fees will be due in April. ARE ALL PAYMENTS UP-TO-DATE??????

7. Coleman Scholarship - In formation was provided to Council by Tony Giunta for a Coleman Scholarship. Notification of selection, if any, should be received by January 10, 2000.

8. HANDOUT - Rest of Crew meeting agendas with topics to be discussed. Let me know when and where crew meetings will be held so I can attend some of them.

9. HANDOUT - Campmor catalogs

10. HANDOUT - Parental Release and Permission Form.

11. Any questions on Advisors Guide, PEAKS Book, Guidebook to Adventure or handouts for itinerary selection?? How to use, information contained therein, etc.

12. Review by each crew of crew meetings held. A helpful way to make use of other crew ideas & suggestions. A good idea is to go over the items in the Open House package again with parents & Scouts as a refresher & reminder.

13. Medical forms for Philmont will be distributed at the next meeting.

14. HANDOUT - Forms for each crew to compile the information on T-shirts, Hats and patches. Further information on what to provide is on the bottom of the form.

15. Pre-trek training tape will hopefully be provided to each crew at the next meeting.

16. Information for obtaining updated Philmont maps should be available by the next meeting. The current Philmont catalog is supposed to be available early in December and when I get a copy I will provide it to all.

17. CPR/First Aid Training - Should be scheduled for February/March. Required of all adults if you are not presently certified. I’ll pass out a sheet so that all can indicate if they need the training and the best dates to hold the training. A location to hold the training courses is needed. CPR & First Aid instructors are needed. CPR training is 3 hours long.

18. HANDOUT - Duty Roster & Tent assignment form.

19. First Aid supplies - Does anyone have access to free supplies????

20. Next Meeting - January 13, 2000 at 730PM at Quail Hill. I got it right this time!!





Philmont 2000 Committee Meeting #7
November 18, 1999
Meeting Notes


Alvarez, Bascue, Crichton, Gallagher, Giunta, L. Goldman, Goldsmith, Golisch, Gordaychik, Jennings, Marshall, Mayer, Noschese, Nuber, Ortiz, Pachman, Rock, Smith, Tanner, Vaughn


Agenda, Minutes from Meeting #6, Adult Roster, Committee Positions List, Updated Crew Rosters, Jan. Crew Meeting Agenda, Crew Positions, Parental Release Form (Draft), Duty Roster, T-Shirt, Hat, Patch Order Form


Reviewed prior meeting's minutes. They can now be found on and with the old site at being obsolete.

The Council Philmont Advisor is now Chris Stengl. Delete Tom Bogart from Adult Roster. Update Nuber’s position on front of sheet. Gallagher has an address change.

Budget was provided to Council and approved. The budget included $250 per ticket for airfare; the best to date price is still substantially higher.


The patch design provided by Larry Goldsmith was approved. The design for the t-shirts was approved with the logo by Phil Crichton over the heart and a map on the back using a natural/straw colored shirt. Based upon pricing the details to be included will be determined. Potential to embroider or use a patch on the hat.

Crew Rosters

We will be going with 9 crews from Monmouth Council. Potential will offer some Scout slots to other neighboring Councils.


The four Camperships were received from Northeast Region are for $325 each not the full Philmont fee of $375. Get information about need to Walt Tanner or Larry Goldsmith. Remember to stay current with payment and get the information to Larry Goldman each month. The Coleman scholarship information was submitted to the OA.

Crew Meeting Information

A sample agenda for a January crew meeting was handed out along with handouts on crew positions and a duty roster. Copies for Campmor catalogs for each crew member were made available.

Summaries of Crew Meetings were given:

Crews 1 & 2:
held joint meeting and did some minor realignment at a couple of Troop meetings; used the Agenda provided; have added 2 Scouts; scheduled makeup shakedown hike for this weekend; There was some discussion of how mandatory events are with sentiment that we need to encourage teamwork and the needs of ALL of the crew.

Crew 3:
Held 1 meeting used sample agenda and tonight are looking at program and crew elections

Crew 4:
Held 1 meeting on program and positions with another planned for December.

Crew 5:
Had 1 meeting with another tomorrow. Did Pine Barrens hike two weeks ago; asked for suggestions on backpacking stoves.

Crew 6:
1 meeting including parents as separate meeting lasting 2 hours; parents had lots of questions. Reviewed behavior, commitment, fitness, programs, and positions.

Crew 7:
Meeting with standard agenda – behavior with emphasis on teamwork. Critiqued shakedown and equipment. Discussed positions, role of crew leader, programs, and websites on exercise.

Crew 8:
Held meeting and critiqued shakedown. Planned crew shakedown for next weekend. Reviews program forms, Philmont Notes, positions – and to take contact with bears seriously.

Crew 9:
Held meeting; discussed packs: internal vs. external frame. All to bring packs to next meeting for review as most seemed too small. Discussed program and positions.

Permission Slip

A draft blanket permission slip was discussed. There were a number of very good suggestions. Information about harrassment and medical insurance information should be added. The tone should be changed to be a contract on behaviour with the Scouts along with a Parental Release. This should start "We expect your actions to be governed by the Scout Law and the Guide to Safe Scouting."


Next Meeting

The next meeting will be January 13, 2000 at 7:30 PM at Lawrence Lodge at Quail Hill Scout Reservation.

Web Site

Information about the Philmont 2000 Trek can be found on the Internet or (the second is a subset of the site but does contain all of the 2000 Committee information.